(c) Singleton 2007
Catch me if you can,
a butterfly parade in the wet morning grass,
yellow and mellow, dancing in pinstriped socks,
in the face of graffiti splashed on a rickety
an underpass,
a concrete wall....
"She was here"......
In Christmas tinsel,
spider web strings,
silvery summer rain,
the last strand, the next strand, the lost strand
of long blonde hair......
Catch me if you can,
in the words of a song,
that song, this one,
your song, mine....
Every song ever written.....
In the cusp of the moon,
Martini side up,
a barefooted shadow
three dunes away
At a red light,
that grabs you,
that forgets to turn green....
Under your tires,
gravel that spits.....
that crunches and
calls my name.....
In a popsicle melting
coffee with cream
in cowboy boots
from a Johnny Cash dream...
Catch me, if you can.....
8 1/2 by 11 on Cardstock, Colored markers, pencils, ink and pixie dust