Saturday, May 02, 2009

Singleton Hippie Art, The Psychedelic Sea, The Original

Psychedelic Sea

(C) Singleton 2009

He followed the sound,
guitar strings and tambourines,
southern voices in the wind...
knowing that
there in the nightcrowd
he would find me,
barefooted and gypsy dressed,
dancing in the ocean spray...

Full moons,
martini moons,
and a gazillion empty moons
have passed...

And I go
there still...
a mermaid ghost...
dancing on the dunes,
at the edge
psychedelic sea....

And in the wind,
I hear him laughing...


Remembering what it was like
to be

11 by 15 original on heavyweight Strathmore watercolor cold press. Watercolors, Acrylics, colored pencils and Ink...The tattered peace sign was drawn, crumpled, and abandoned on the porch for months before being rescued to rest like a hurricane in the center of this picture. The mermaid was born of another thought, another memory, a dream...that was never finished, and probably never will be, so she's come back to visit the sea. Letters were lifted from an old magazine. Together, they make the Psychedelic Sea...A collage, of sorts.


Todd said...

Love this!!

Justgivemepeace said...

Thank you, Todd:)

skinnylittleblonde said...

Twice blogger ate my comments, so I chalked them up to meant-to-be... but I have to say Sister Singleton, this is one of my most favorite pieces of your hippie art. I love the colors and our sweet little mermaids face. I see things in and around the peace sign and I am soooo ready for someone to just take me to the sea. Gorgeous, captivating, stimulating little piece sister love

Lyrically speaking said...

very hot, along with the artsy piece

Justgivemepeace said...

skinnylittlesisterlove....I'm so ready for the sea....And she's calling our names....

Thank you....Words and colors taking over where the memory another life:)