(c) Singleton 2011
"They wandered deeper and deeper
into the dampened woods.
She sang to herself
and left little peace~love messages
scribbled with broken sticks
in the wet dirt....
He cautioned her to be careful,
to watch out for spiders
and snakes
quick sand...
She danced in the cobwebs,
wore silver shawls with rhinestone buttons glistening,
alive with legs , crawling
She filled her pockets with
the empty houses of long~gone snails,
and her imagination
with their stories...
And she laughed at his fears....."
Much later, as rumors and folklore would have it, he wandered there again, and thick in the Forest, he heard her laughter, windchimes clinking, tinking in the breeze. And he saw things...the way he had never before. Sometimes broken sticks are magic wands, after all....