(c) Singleton 2009
Black haired baby
standing up in an
old wooden crib,
banging spoons on
the rail....
Manic music to my soul...
And I tiptoe down the
empty hall
and peek
at the
round little face...
My own...
ten years later...
And I knew then,
what I know now....
Sister Love....
Little hippie yet to be,
knee high to my raggedy levi's....
holding my hand
and waving at butterflies
with the other...
stuffing marigolds in her pockets,
collecting faerie gold.....
And suddenly
we're old
and every year between us
And tomorrow
is the psychedelic butterfly...
There is so much to look at here. I love it!!
LoL...Sister I LoVe this piece of PeAcE!!! Colros just POP! And the ying yang sisters and fish remind me so much of the sign of our time now... Pisces.
I Love You, You Sweet Free Hippie Sister!
Morning Todd! Much peace and color to you today!
Skinny...Muah! Much love to you, too, Sister! Counting....
Here comes the Sea!
Peace~love sweet world!
love the art and the words. My sister and I too Sandy
Morning Sweet Sandy...
Nothing greater than a sister...
And I'm doubley blessed...
Here's to you and yours! May the circle be unbroken....
Much Peace.....
This one and the sunrise are my favorite. Super-cool stuff!
Thank you so much! I don't know where I've been that I didn't catch your visit, but I so appreciate the words! Psychedelic is one of my little favorites, too....but I'm in love with the Sun!
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