(c) Singleton 2008
Chaos raining,
broken glass,
in a summer shower
I'm a
barefoot hippie
dancing in
the mud.
Chaos raining,
afternoon storms
making perfect
spooky stories....
Slumber party hoo~hah.....
And it's morning....
and I touch the tired face in the mirror,
embrace her,
go to her....
Peace is a place
AWESOME BLOG! Love your artwork!
Peace to you and yours,
And if I could copy your words and paste them here and send them back to you, it couldn't be more perfect! Here's to Peace, on a kite, in the wind, out the backdoor, in our hearts, at the bottom of an empty bowl!
Nice to meet you friend
She's beautiful Sister and the words here definitely strike a very real cord. Sometimes the outside world is part of our inside world and it can chip and chide away at our inner peace. And if we were to simply turn our backs on these areas of conflicts, it would be like turning our backs on love...can't do that. Sometimes peace & love requires a little bit of spit & fire. ILYSVFM.
Todd...Your artwork is wonderful, so enjoyed checking it out!
Skinny.....Here's to the tiny window of peace, open, sunstreaming in through broken windowpanes.....
ILYSVVM sweet sister.....
For all you are
for all you know
Peace~love, spit fire and butterflies
I feel you my sister,
I was just with a beautiful lady
silver haired
wide eyed
truly Beautiful
she told me how the train
ran off the tracks this year
how one thunder strike
then another
left her shaking
cracks in her heart
forming a meshwork of
As in quick
succession she lost
her independence
her beloved husband
and now her health...
We cried and laughed together
in these wee small hours of
the morning
and talked about how
this life is...
My friend
May all that is hard, rigid and unyielding depart from your world
May a soft wind turn your face towards an apricot stain of sun setting on a wide blue ocean,
And may a lovesong come floatin on butterfly wings to land on your finger
and sing you home
Sending you peace and love always,
Tired face in the mirror:
Not to worry,,,it's only the evidence of an energized soul,,,,,energy that streams in through the broken window panes,
making fresh,
making better,
Making tomorrow.
May it be as beautifully intense as this new art.
oh, sweet Maithri....
Bless you and your silver haired Friend,
traveling time and
mending souls...
making peace in unexpected times and places...
smiles in the eye of a storm...
Peace is a gift,
a change,
a moment...
May we all have the wisdom and the wish to embrace her,
nourish her,
get on our hands and knees and
help her get goin' again....
Much love, my friend
Your wishes are a technicolor postcard
clipped to my refrigerator door!
And the tiny lines growing
the tell-tale signs of life....
the golden threads of a cocoon weaving in reverse,
bringing the butterfly stories home!
Peace~love my friend
For all......
Tell-tale tattle- tale
Signs of life.
Tiny lines deeper, making us stronger.
We're doin' fine.
Reflections of the soul
are much truer
than those of mirrors.
We're doin' damn fine!
I had to return, as this post is so wonderfilled.
and (sigh),,,apricot stain on a wide blue ocean,,,how beautiful is that!I have to paint,,,,,,
Sigh.....I know....
Maithri has the vision....
Just Beautiful!
And we are doin' damn fine....
Paint, my friend, paint the world a color never told before,
Music.....for my eyes!
Peace~love sweet girl
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