(C) Singleton 2009
With her sun~puckered lips,
and weedy little legs,
she teetered above
the garden of little ones at her feet.
And she cried.
One by one,
the others were whisked up
by young lovers....
"He loves me, he loves me not",
bundled into little bouquets for Hallmark Holidays and after thoughts,
plucked up by
chubby little fingers
and embraced for their afternoon perfume.
But not her,
The Lonely little Flower,
she stood here day after day,
growing taller and older,
her hair a natty mess of twigs and pine-needles,
her petals, all but picked clean,
by the pitter patter of little feet landing on her colors....
her world was with the flying, the humming, the crawling,
the clouds....
And she cried...
Chubby little lop-sided cheeks quivering,
until The Sun Kissed her again
and pointed to the
nursery at her feet...
Her tears,
a fountain for the seedlings,
brought back by feathered friends
to grow here, learn here, beneath her umbrella...
Love grows....
Colored markers, pencils, ink on Cardstock. From the hippie garden, with peace and love.