Saturday, April 29, 2006

Badri and The Tea Leaves-Singleton-Outsider Art

Badri & The Tea Leaves
(c) Singleton 2006
Outsider Hippie Art
to an endeared new soul sister

So there we would sit, indian style, on the living room floor, doling out dreams and stories, sipping tea and trading random thoughts. A carnival of spirits celebrating the secret lives of our childhoods, the imagined lives of our futures, and the everyday lives of today.

Colored pencils, markers and pen

Saturday, April 22, 2006

I Forgot to Clean the Pool, Singleton, Outsider Art

The Pool
(c) Singleton 2006

Outsider Hippie Artwork

Amazing how Mother Nature, my Pisces soul, and Paiger's daydreams can give birth to an entire underwater world overnight! And now, What's a girl to do? We've saved one eyed fish and one pound dogs, carless friends and dumpster cats, legless lizards and fallen birds ...and I'm going to chlorinate the pool? I don't think so....I'll just float with them until we're friends....

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Sisters, Singleton, Outsider Art

SISTERS, of course
Outsider Hippie Art
(c) Singleton 2006

SOLD to a beautiful stranger

Here we are. Lunar opposites. Yet, inately, alike; swimming in a sea of familiar fairytales, Saturday night stories, and our own, sometimes wobbly balance, our yen and our yang. Together, we are one. May the circle be , always, unbroken.

Colored pencils, pen, and markers, of course.
8 1/2 by 11 cardstock.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

No Soliciting, Outsider Art, SAS

Outsider Art
No Soliciting
(c) Singleton 2006
SOLD ...
at home...
with the blessed child of a soul sister

Just a reminder to all you creepy little phantoms of my imagination and hauntings of everyday life, you don't belong here. I only welcome peace.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Glimpse of the Garden Fairy, Singleton, Outsider Art

(c) Singleton 2006

SOLD to a beautiful stranger

Caught in the act, this waif-like fairy, is busy casting her mischievous magic. She flits and flutters about; painting the garden with pixie passion, ego friendly embellishments, and sudden fairy tales.

8 1/2 by 11 on Cardstock.
Markers, colored pencils, and ink.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Thank you

Just wanted to let everyone know that the emails Paiger is getting are so inspiring! I've lived in this house 13 years, and not that I'm a recluse (I'm certainly not) and visitors are mostly welcome, but they usually arrive via chain mail....on the elbow of someone who has been here before. And mostly I hear silence. Maybe they're just overwhelmed. But mostly they're just speechless.

I mean, this is not the kind of house where people say things like "Where did you get that?", "You have such a way with color". " You should be an interior decorator". This is the kind of house I live in. I love EVERY color. Even mud. And I love it all next door to any other color that wants to camp there. I believe in mermaids and angels and the ever-after, I believe in fate and karma and magic and God. I believe in good and bad and the sometimes sloppy line in between. I believe in Peace. In my house... my beliefs, fears, loves, struggles, miracles, everyday moments all live together. Painted, drawn, collaged, glued, carved on the walls, down the halls, on the kitchen cupboards, the doors, the floors, the furniture, the windows..... Call it Chaos. Or call it home. It's my world.

The drawings here are soulful paper kites... set free. No longer tethered to the walls of my world, they are weightless ...floating in a perfect sky, drifting over rooftops and sandy dunes. Some travel mile after dusty mile , some don't go far at all, barely lifted over the fenceposts. But, like the fateful message in the bottle, they know perfectly well when to flutter back to earth. Where to make their new home. Take care precious thoughts.

Peace, love, and the color of a perfect sky,

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Eve and The Butterfly Effect, Singleton, Outsider Art

Eve, The Butterfly Effect
(c)2006, Singleton
Outsider Hippie Artist
Sold~Private Collection

Paperdoll, Singleton, Outsider Art

(c) Singleton 2006
Outsider Art
SOLD to a kindred spirit!

It's a game. Like rock, paper, scissors. It's Life. And this is what you did to me. Bully.

Colored pencils, marker and pen 8 1/2 x 11

Beer Garden Fairie

The Beer Garden Fairie
(c) Singleton 2006
Outsider Hippie Art

She flits into the party barely noticed, fluttering from barstools to the dance floor. Careful, her magic is mischief ; and a fool and his beer is all she needs to cast her spell. "Caught in the act", she freeezes in the headlights, but just for a moment. Her mission is to paint the night with pixie-like passion, ego friendly flights, and the eyes of the random beholder. What you do with the memory in the morning is your own hangover.

Caitlin Eats Sardines, Singleton

Caitlin eats Sardines
(c) Singleton 2006
SOLD, Outsider Hippie Art

A tribute to sushi, smoked oysters, and the spirit of the sea! Oh yeah, and Caitlin's insatiable appetite!

Colored markers, pencils and pen on card stock

The Blessing of The Tides, Singleton

The Blessing of The Tides
(c) Singleton 2006
Outsider Artist
Sold, to a kindred spirit

"Did I tell you about the dolphins?"
"There were three"
"There were five"
"Joe's treasure boxes"
"Look, I brought you gifts from the ocean! "
"Shells, you brought me beautiful shells?"
Memories from the San Marino"

We've been through high tides, and low tides, and spent countless hours playing driftwood, floating aimlessly in the sandy currents. God bless the tides.

Colored markers, pencils and pen on card stock

Friday, April 07, 2006

Madonna, Singleton Hippie Art

Outsider Hippie Art
(c) Singleton 2006

She is the Mother of Peace.


Pencil, Marker and Pen on 8 1/2" by 11" cardstock

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Self Portrait as a Witch

Outsider Art
(c) Singleton 2006

Sometimes you just feel like a witch and sometimes you just look like a witch. This would be one of those days!

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Deja Vue

Deja Vue
It’s weird really. I draw them. Spend hours or days entrenched in a thought, making a statement or just completing a sentence and then I stack ‘em up on the mantle, balanced between the dusty treasures that live there, and once a week or so I bop them in an envelope and mail them to Paiger. Their likenesses arrive here like an old friend that I haven’t seen in so long that I barely recognize them. But something about the way they move is all too familiar. The way they cut their eyes, brush the stringy hair from their face, take measured breaths….reminds that we have been here before. And then I remember. This is my life, and a photo shot of the lives I’ve borrowed from passing strangers, from the tattered wings of friends. My world. Life, death, and the in-between. And the, always, ever-after. Welcome.


Outsider Art
(c) Singleton 2006


All washed up. A very sad story. Even more, a very disturbing story.

Acrylic,markers,pen, colored pencils and paper on Joe's cardboard.

Keep Out King

(c) 2006 Singleton
SOLD - Outsider Hippie Art
I wouldn't normally want anyone to feel unwelcome, but this little waif is here to weed out the bad stuff! He's the keeper-outer of all things gone karmically wrong. Only the good stuff gets past his keeping, and into my world!

Cocoon, Singleton

(c) Singleton 2006
This mother-tobe flower fairy will hold you spellbound, as she cocoons her baby butterfly wings. "Kaleidescope" is Mother to her world and with a cosmic splash of life and color, and a spiral from the sun halo she innocently adorns, "Kaleidescope" shows us how love grows in her cosmos. She welcomes life in the purest way.