Friday, October 17, 2014

Lettin' my Freak Flag Fly .....

"I stumbled here.
Tripped over everyday life,
deadpan voices bringing me down,
haunting spirits pulling me up,
the lull-a-bye of rock and roll and blues sifting through the trees....
water running....
I stumbled here,
with skinned up knees,
and tattered jeans,
a few tiny tattoos,
and a string of love beads...

And this is where I met my meant-to-be,
My "Hold-you-up or carry-you through this" Hippie Love...
My here.
My now.

And this is wear I'm flyin' my flag....

High....and free....."

Story and little signs on the back of our tandem bike, The Zep, (c) Singleton

And as always, please don't copy and paste my stuff onto your stuff and try to sell it,
It makes the Karma faeries have to work so very, very hard, and it makes this Old Hippie sad, makes my kids mad, and makes our attorney just a little more fat rich....


  1. Well, hello!!! SO nice to see this post. Hoping all is well in your world. Love that you are still creating. I've missed you.

  2. Huge Hellos, back:) Yup, it's been quite a little trip that's taken me right to where I belong, alive and kickin', a little older, a little tattered, but lovin' the now! It's such a pleasure to see you. Much Peace, friend
