Saturday, July 14, 2012

My Tribal Heart, Hippie Singleton, Spirit Shaker


My Tribal Heart
Hippie Singleton, Spirit Shaker
"We went deep,
deeper into the woods
until the smell of the earth,
the dirt...
was as cool
and damp
and delicious
chocolate cake.....

until the sky was feather painted through a thousand
cracks in the canopy of green overhead...

And there we pitched our tents....
to Wait...."

Words and Works (c) Singleton

Made from the cured branches of a crepe myrtle, this little wish bone shaped shaker is adorned with a mighty collection of created, found and collected items....Meant to be cherished be added to in bits and pieces ....And to be smiled on...when little trinkets fall off and join the party of happenstance wherever they land.....


  1. Pixie....thank you....You should hear the sound of them in the quiet..... We're pretty sure the faeries, the pixies, the mermaids, the spirits do....because they answer us back in the wind:)

  2. Really beautiful, your art is soulfood that journeys through the eyes and around the heart, into the soul to nourish the mind with love and beauty :)

    Stephen Davies

  3. Thank you....
    Your words are windchimes....
    Wonderful Music...

  4. Under a feather painted sky,
    Peace opens its wings
    and flies
    all the way to a sky filled with stars here...

    Sending you the light of an African sky,


  5. Ah, sweet friend of mine....I feel the light, hear it, see it.....

    And I simply looooove the way peace dances in the wind, the skies, beneath the clouds.

    Much love and Peace...

  6. I love this! I'm the girl that buys your zines on etsy! Let's be blogger friends
