Tuesday, July 15, 2008

One Peace, Singleton 2008 Hippie Art

One Peace
(c) Singleton 2008

He rifled through the
glove box,
paper cups, scratched CD's
and registrations to six cars back,
thumbing for something,
to put his fingers on,
that said yesterday
"I loved".....

The sky changed into a
thousand gowns,
dripping with jewels
and then suddenly,
barren blue...
almost black...
and he grasped at nothing....

And remembered.....

The one peace he had laid to rest....

the yesterday that said
"I love you"....


~Babs said...

Truly a man without.
Not "just broke",,,,
but poor.

singleton said...

Oh Babs....you said it all in just three sentences.....

we sometimes become so tethered
to things,
gotta do's,
what if's,
that we clip our own wings....
perch ourselves on the finest
swing dangling from
the most ornate birdcage,
lost in a make~believe world....

Until we remember the endless sky.....
the rush of the wind....
the absolute natural high of
to laugh,
to love,
to fly......

Peace~love sweet friend
On painted wings.....

Sandy Kessler said...

big message a few lines - Landon I'm addicted to what a love sandy

singleton said...

Sandy...Me,too! Addicted.


Maithri said...

My friend,

This is so beautiful...

I've gotta admit he sounds a lot like me
on the tired days...

Thank you for being you
a sentinel of love
passionate peace
and winged freedom,

For carrying the light,

Love to you, M

singleton said...

Aren't we all the man in the mirror?
Waking up one day to a stranger?
Living in shoes we never drempt we'd wear...
until we remember....
the butterfly house
and the sound of the ocean,
until we laugh again...

Much love sweet friend....
and peace,

Todd said...

This is lovely! I hope you have a peace-filled weekend!

singleton said...

tmusichans....Thank you for the wonder filled wishes.....
they came to me on wings....
and in a whirling, twirling
sea of pandemonium.....
there she was,

Peace~love and every day's a new day