Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Whose got the Golden Arm? Singleton


Or so the story goes...

Spooky little story lives tucked inside this dusky old box.... open the door and come inside to a place called....
haunted memories....

Calligraphy,collage, etc .. Singleton
Childhood nightmares and creepy little feelings courtesy of....???

For the hand-me-down story of WHY this little suitcase was ever stuffed with the YOU DOs! ...kick over to the pages of www.thehippieparade.blogspot.com and check out our twisted little childhoods!

Golden Arm artwork by Outsider Hippie Artist Singleton.

1 comment:

Mary Bee said...

I love the creative mechanism that is back stage in your brain, entertaining us here on your blogs. I don't know if I've told you, but your portrait picture is absolutely aluring. Every time I see it I can't wait to see what the next portal takes me into. Thanks for your generous comments on my blogggggggggg by the way.