Friday, September 30, 2016

Together, we Make Peace

"I watched our shadows jumping waves,
long and tall,
whispy ghosts echoing each other on the
cool green water...
And I smiled...
at our sameness
there in the forever Sea.

On dune hill,
I kicked my sandy toes to the sky,
threw my head back and laughed...
at how we ever ever even met.
Said hello.
Made Love.

At how very very different we are.
and how
we make Peace..."

©Singleton, Art and Words

11" by 11" Original Mandala painted with peace, love, and sand on my toes on the shores of my beloved Sea. Watercolors mixed with salt water, markers, colored pencils, sharpies. Freehanded...
as always.
Painted on Strathmore 140lb coldpress paper.

1 comment:

  1. Love this art and this poem for peace. Wow, wow, wow... You'd really appreciate these peace sayings and mottos I found that I want to share here with you: Short Slogans On Peace
