Tuesday, June 02, 2015

I'm so Glad you Found Me.... Singleton Hippie Art on found wood

I'm so glad you Found me.....
Words and Artwork
(c) Singleton

I was,
swishing, pushing,
trying to hold my breath long enough
to rise up again,
to swim up...
when I found Peace at
the sandy bottom....
where all the dreams are tossed
to sink,
traded for another day...

And there in the dark...
I heard you...
barely making a splash...
hoping to find your own answers...

I'm so Glad you Found me, instead.....

Singleton Hippie Art on Found plywood, painted in a rain storm.  All works copyright Singleton. 

Please do not reproduce my Art on your stuff without express permission....it pisses off the Karma faeries, makes this old Hippie really mad, and fills our Attorney's pockets with your pennies...


  1. Simply Stunning!!
    Sending lots of Peace & Love from Wyoming

  2. Thank you, hugely! And to you also, Much Peace....it grows love!

  3. The picture is colorful and rich in imagery. Fun exciting work.

  4. Thank you so very much, Shelley!
