Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Cat Moon, Singleton Hippie Art

Cat Moon
(c) Singleton 2011

"It slithered,
tip~toed up the live oaks,
dangled from the skinniest branches
then sat
licking it's paws,
lounging on the midnight blue sky above us....

The Full Moon
over My Wanee...."

"Words and Artwork (c) Singleton 2011
Painted in the dappled woods of the Suwannee River, off and on, over 10 days and 9 nights of the Moon rising....painted to the disco lights of campfires, flashlights, and the sound of things that go bump in the night, painted to the music of my soul wafting down the river....touching my spirit...my skin....my tent. 11 by 15" on Strathmore coldpress paper...Watercolors, markers, and spirit....And most of all Peace...

*Disclaimer....This was painted at the River...the dark murky smell of tea stained water, of the winds that carried the smoke signals of 40,000 kindred spirits have permeated the paper....And it's wonderful!