Monday, November 15, 2010

Psychedelic Dreams, Singleton Hippie Art

Psychedelic Dreams
(c) Singleton 2010
"I tossed and turned
and flung my arms....
tumbling through the dark caverns of everyday chaos...
deeper and deeper
into the cool waters
of Saturday night
a make~believe~for~the~moment place...
And in my middle of the night sleep,
skinny arms tangled in sun dried sheets,
I painted smiles
on the wayward faces
of every haunting that's ever crossed my highway...."
Words and Artwork, Singleton, on a crooked Saturday, painted Left handed, because that's what happens when you tumble unexpectedly and try to save your teeth...and inked, very, very slowly with the help of a friend and a beer or a two:) Watercolors, acrylics, and all that hippie hoo~hah....