Sunday, January 25, 2009

Psychedelic Sunrise, Singleton Hippie Art

(c) Singleton 2009

A technicolor night
draped in never seen before colors...
Magic laughter,
the new music,
playing to our souls...

And in the morning,


a psychedelic sunrise...
painted on a Universal sky

11 by 11 collage on cardstock. Skyground is swirls of watercolors and markers, sunrise face markers and ink, cheeks are snippets of abandoned original work. Sunrays are collaged from prints of original hippie art work.

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Change, Singleton Hippie Art 2009

Obama for Peace
(c) Singleton 2009

"And there was a noise,
a whisperin' the wind,

and it grew
and grew
and grew...

Until it could be heard...

The Change...."

Colored markers, pencils, sharpies and the belief that Change is

Peace and Love....

Thursday, January 08, 2009

The Moon in her Arms, Singleton Hippie Art 2009

(c) Singleton 2009

She wooed him,
cooed him,
reached out to him
with long ballet fingers,
butterflies to his latenight soul...
And he went to her,
basked in her warmth...
and found himself at home....

At the wrong time,
in the wrong place ,
in her arms
Accidently in peace...

11 by 11 on mat board. Food coloring and shaving cream, colored markers, pens, and pencils. Watercolors. Peace and Love, Hippie Art from a Saturday morning memory.

Friday, January 02, 2009

Someone painted the Sun, Singleton Hippie Art

(C) Singleton 2008

"She pouted.
Rolled over in the sky
and wallowed
in the blueness.

Someone painted the Sun,
and the clouds
were all pointing at her,
as they whispered by,
dressed in cotton candy colors.

I stood on the ground and
watched as
she fretted,
started to cry....
Someone grafittied the Sun
and she didn't know why...

Her tears ran blue and
and green...
psychedelic swirls
of neon rain...

"They've painted you Peace",
I hollered to her....

And slowly she smiled....
Silly little Sun with the Promise painted on her face.....

11 by 11 on matboard. Watercolors, markers, tempera, ink, shaving cream, food colors, peace and love.